Cirtes history begins in Nancy, mid-1980s, when Claude Barlier carried out a research and filed out his first patents of two innovating technologies developed by him: the Actarus® Machining Surveillance process and the Stratoconception® Additive Manufacturing (Rapid Prototyping) process.
In November 1991, Claude Barlier created CIRTES in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges in order to develop his patented research work. The project is awarded with the label and the support of the European program STRIDE, led by ANVAR.
Today Cirtes is :
- A Contractual Research Company (CRC)
- Accredited under the Research Tax Credit (CIR)
- A Technological Resources Center (TRC)
- A founding member of the VirtuReaL cluster
- A founding member of the PRETT Lorraine
- A founding member of the ICELL Carnot Institute
- A founding member of GIP InSIC with the Ecole des Mines of Nancy and the Institut Mines Télécom
- An associate founder member of the Innovation Platform INORI SAS
CIRTES (SA) is a Contractual Research Company (CRC) whose aim is Innovation via R & D through three major patented processes:
The company has two establishments: the head office, in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, and an establishment in Carmaux, in the South-West.