Stratoconception® SoftwaresComplete range of Stratoconception®-based software . StationsSpecific stations dedicated to the process based on micro-milling or hot wire cutting machine IntegrationIntegration of the process on existing machinery EquipementsSpecific equipment for holding baskets during machining, assembly and finishing of strata ServicesServices (telephone support, hotline, training…) STRATOCONCEPTION: DEDICATED STATIONS Pack&Strat® SoftwaresPackaging and kitting software Stations3D manufacturing and scanning stations IntegrationIntegration of the process on your existing equipment (cutting machines) . EquipementsEquipment for gluing, assembly and dedicated cutting tools ServicesTechnical assistance and training PACK&STRAT: PACKING IN A FEW MINUTES Actarus® SoftwaresSoftware range for measurement and monitoring . Stand-alone solutionsStandalone boxs for shopfloor monitoring MaterialsAcquisition equipment, instrumented tools and sensors (temperature, force, vibration, speeds) ServicesTraining, machining tests, expertise, custom developments ACTARUS: A MONITORED INTELLIGENT SHOPFLOOR